Sunday, March 30, 2014

Being Home!

      We have been home for almost two weeks now. After getting into the Nashville airport I learned my luggage never made the connection and had to head back to TTU for an SGA Meeting at 9:15. We pulled into Murphy at 9:03, and I was at the meeting by 9:12. Dedication at its finest. My luggage made it to me just after midnight, so with the time change I had been up for just over 24 hours. Needless to say the 9 am class the next day did not happen. The Jetlag only lasted for about 4 days, but getting my motivation back took just a little longer, so sorry I am just now posting this.
      It was odd being back because yes we had been on Spring Break, and it was amazing and I would happily do it again, but we did so much stuff it never really slowed down, so coming back and jumping straight back into things felt a little odd. I only just now got all of my luggage really unpacked and put away in its proper place. People ask me how the trip was and it's so odd to cram 9 days worth of traveling into a 5 minute conversation. I went hoarse the first few days we were back from talking about the trip so much.      
      Overall, the trip was far more amazing than I could have ever expected, granted I don't really know what I was expecting. The highlight of the trip for me was being able to hold a conversation with the man on the Metro Train, but when I went to the Kardstat I realized just how much German I didn't know. Hearing about all of the history was probably my favorite thing. I can't pick out one piece of it because there was just so much. It was so neat though to see all of the history we have learned about since middle school.
       The trip was amazing, our group was awesome, and the memories were unforgettable! Thank you to everyone who made this trip as great as it was!
Auf Wiedersehen!

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