Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Day Three in Berlin

Today was all about the Reichstag, and it was probably the most visually striking building I have seen so far.  The old appearance of the outside contrasted so sharply with the incredibly modern interior, and the history surrounding the building was incredible.  Inside the Reichstag we saw a group of politicians, one of whom was dressed in a royal outfit, and we naturally assumed it was the Prince of Malta from the night before.  As I think everyone will agree, the tour guide was pretty mean, but it was still an interesting tour and I learned a lot about the building's history and German politics, which I knew nothing about.

Me outside the Reichstag.  Thanks to Katie for the picture.
The Reichstag's Plenarsaals.  Note "the Fat Hen" overlooking the proceedings.
After the Reichstag, Josh, Sam, and I headed to the Soviet War Memorial, which we had seen the night before but it was too dark to really see at that point.  Today it was easily visible, and we all agreed that it was interesting to see a monument to the Red Army, because in America we always think of the Soviet Union as the bad guys.  I also wondered if Berlin was the world's only city to have a monument to an army that invaded the city.

In front of the Soviet War Memorial.  Thanks to Sam for the picture.
After that we went out to eat, but we then all agreed that we were pretty much exhausted from staying out so late the day before and we headed home.

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