Sunday, March 9, 2014

Second Star to the Right and Straight on Till Morning.. and After

At least, that's what the flights felt like. There was a lot of turning right involved according to my flight map.

During the long flight where many movies were watched and many attempts at catching some sleep occurred.

From Nashville to Atlanta to Amsterdam, zero problems. But Amsterdam to Berlin?

I arrived on time.
My luggage, however, did not.

But if that's the worst thing that happens to me on this trip I'll be thrilled. It was really a blessing in disguise, since I didn't have to haul a giant suitcase around Berlin for the 20-30 minutes it took to get from the airport to our host's apartment (we did take the scenic route because hey - it's Berlin!).

Berlin is a beautiful city. Even the graffiti is pretty (well, some of it at least).
This is part of a series of graffiti depicting a forest in autumn. It's gorgeous up close!

This is the graffiti right outside my bedroom window!

 The buildings all have their own flare and style from one apartment complex to the next, and the amount of nature that can still be found here is refreshing. The people are friendly, the wandering dogs are adorable, and the ice cream is delicious. Our host dad(? is that the proper term? I don't know, but I'll call him that or the HD) treated Carolyn and I to ice cream at Fraulein Frost, which is an adorable ice cream parlor. I got a flavor similar to raspberry, but with actual seeds and fruit in it. Then our HD took us around part of the city. The area by a canal is bustling with people - we stopped and hung out with some Brazillian friends of our HD for a long while. They were a very musical bunch and shared some food from a Turkish eatery. It was very good chicken.

The canal from one of the bridges. The willows were budding and green, and people were sitting all along the banks. 

Overall, I'm excited to see where this trip will go. Thus far, minor mishap with luggage aside, it's been a plethora of exceptional experiences. I've got a ton of photos taken already, and my SD card is ready for more.

See you all tomorrow!

~Elizabeth S

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