Sunday, March 9, 2014

Berlin Bound

Survived the plane ride over water! It really was not half as bad as I was expecting it to be, and Tyler made for some great company on the way, so thank you sir! The plane had this really cool tracker to show you which part of the course you were on and how much longer you had to go. Also I realized my parents were correct in that I way over packed my carry on, but better safe than sorry for the first trip. I'm also running on a whopping 4 1/2ish hours of sleep and not feeling too bad
The host family that I am staying with is very sweet, and the two little boys are adorable. 

We took a bus back to their flat in Berlin, and then after taking about an hour to get settled we went and walked around the down town area. We got some really amazing ice cream! I tried Johgurt-Heidelber, sehr lecker!

The architecture is gorgeous, but I was surprised by the amount of graffiti. Some of it was very beautiful, other parts were just "tagging". We walked down to the canal and Heinrich (Host Dad) showed us some of his favorite spots along the way to meet the boys' mother (they are 4 and 7). She is Brazilian and we sat with her and some of her Portuguese friends for about an hour and a half listening to them play music. It was a little overwhelming how everyone could switch back and forth from German to Portuguese to English so quickly.We had some form of chicken they explained as looking like road kill, but was some of the best tasting take out chicken I have ever had. Also tater tots with this garlic dip, so good!
 Oh, also misread a label and walked into a guys bathroom today. So that is my first embarrassing international moment.
The weather has been absolutely beautiful today (and I  think a little better than in TN!). It was really neat too look at everyone's outfits, Heinrich said that he feels like he lives on "Hipster Avenue", and I definitely see where he's coming from. There were also a TON of dogs everywhere today. So far it's been a more amazing trip than I could of imagined, but trying really hard to stay awake until at least 8 o'clock! Heinrich made a banana infused caffeinated chocolate drink earlier that has done wonders, but we'll see how long it lasts for.
Until tomorrow!


  1. Sounds like a great day! The banana drink sounds interesting. Maybe he would give you the recipe? Hope you are sleeping well.

    1. Too much praise :-) 
      The banana drink is as simple as it gets. You just need very ripe banana, milk and (this is where it gets a little bit complicated) a spoon of Guarana powder. I bought it in Brasil last time I was there and taking it across borders felt funny. You see, the stuff comes in plastic bags of a pound and they are just about the same size and form as every bag of wholesale cocaine that you ever saw in a movie.
      The looks you get from customs officers are priceless 8-)

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