Friday, March 7, 2014

It only took doing far too many days worth of laundry, but I think I have everything I need for Germany! Honestly, my bag doesn't feel as heavy as it should for going away for this long. My carry on almost feels heavier because I tried to pack all of the things I might want to keep me distracted on the flight. While I have flown before, I've never flown over water and the idea horrifies me. (I'm actually more worried about the flight over the water than the language barrier right now.) The longest flight I've ever done was 8 hours to Oregon and  I wasn't able to sleep at all during that, so I picked up some Melatonin for this trip just to be safe. I'm hoping that if I can sleep for most of the trip over there then jet lag won't be too bad, but I guess we'll find out! This will also be the first time I have ever changed time zones this drastically. 
I'm ecstatic about the trip, I think that it is going to be such an amazing opportunity. Like all good procrastinators I also got my first email out to my host family today. I'm a little nervous about meeting them because it will be the first time I have ever had to really test my language skills. I'm bringing a card game with me though that is numbers based (Phase 10 for those of you who know it) so I'm hoping that might be a good ice breaker game? I looked up the address of where they live and it looks really cute and like getting from place to place shouldn't be too difficult. 
My parents are coming in tonight and overall my nerves aren't too awful, but ask me that question tomorrow before we board and it might be different! I included pictures of my packing extravaganza. No, not everything on the floor is included, I just got a little overwhelmed. 

See ya on the other side!


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