Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Two Weeks Later

I really can't believe that two weeks ago today I was making my way back to Tech. I live relatively close to the airport, so my parents picked me up and I crashed at home before coming back to Tech the next day. It seems like the trip happened so long ago with all the things happening at Tech now (with finals on the way before we know it) but at the same time it also feels like it was yesterday. I keep catching myself comparing Cookeville to Berlin at times. And I've bought a fair amount of croissants to make up for my lack of bakeries around. But some of the ingredients we used in Berlin are not to be found at Walmart, so I think I'm going to have to search around.
I guess I had to make up for my lack of jet lag on the way there with a really bad case of it when I got back. I kept waking up at 5 am unaided for about a week, and the first day I slept until my alarm was cause for celebration.
My parents loved their souvenirs - I got my mother a nativity Christmas ornament and my father a copy of the New Testament with Psalms in German. My siblings got matching Berlin shirts. I didn't really have room to bring my souvenirs to my apartment, but I definitely would have if I did. I might make a picture book of my favorite bits to show to my family (you can do that at Walgreens or through Shutterfly, I think, if anyone wants to know.)
This was definitely the trip of a lifetime, and I can't wait to go back. I might have to make a graduation present to myself to go back and visit some places we didn't get to go and revisit others. It was so great to travel with all of you!

~Elizabeth S.

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