Friday, February 28, 2014


Please post your pre-trip thoughts here!
You can take photos of your suitcase, for example, and photograph items that you think should/not go. What can you not live without? Try to make this otherwise potentially stressful experience into a fun one!

Best to you!

Julia Baker


  1. WOOOO! BERLIN! Get ready everyone!!!!

  2. I'm worried about getting lost, especially on the subway. But it's a fun and good experience to get lost sometimes, only if I'm not in a hurry. Other than that I think all will be fantastic, can't wait!

  3. I am extremely excited. I love new adventurous and experiencing new cultures. I am not nervous, like I would imagine some of fellow travelers are, but this is not my first time abroad or to a country where English is not the official language, so that probably explains why. I am looking forward to being in German speaking environment and experiencing the German way of life. I hope we all have a great time, los geht's nach Deutschland!

  4. Nervousness is something I usually don't deal with, especially with traveling. Excitement, however, is something I certainly have going on at the moment. Not knowing anyone besides Dr. Baker and one of the Elizabeths, I'm excited for the prospect of getting to know new (non-engineering) people. If anything worries me, it is either the fact that I can't pack until Friday evening, or the fact that I'll be unable to do schoolwork for 11 straight days. I suppose I'm also worried that I may never get to a competent level of German after not speaking at all for around 2.5 years. These worries, however, are marginally small and will mostly subside by the time we arrive in Atlanta. I can't wait to see Hamburg, and Berlin will be a completely different place without the snow. The weather will be AMAZING, so get excited, nervous friends; it's gonna be too much fun! (I don't particularly like cats, so I guess that could also be a worry of mine... Or the 3 of us guys staying with 4 German women/girls, but I'm sure it'll work out well!)
    [Insert awesome closing in German here!]

  5. I'm a weird mix of nervousness and excitement - I've never traveled abroad before, but my parents used to live in Germany before I was born. I've made up my packing list, but I think I'm bringing too much - I'm taking a large suitcase but I want to save room for souvenirs! I'm slightly nervous only because I've never ridden a train and might end up somewhere I didn't mean to go to, and I'm slightly worried that my German comprehension might not be up to par. But I'm very excited over this opportunity, and I'm looking forward to the coming days with everyone!

  6. I'm not too nervous, more anxious to leave than anything else. Yet for being so ready to go mentally, I have yet to start packing. But I'm not worried too much, that's part of the adventure. The weather looks like its going to be absolutely beautiful while we are over there, so I am looking forward to getting out and doing some exploring. When I was in the Frankfurt area the last time I visited Germany, I didn't really have the chance to explore the city or culture much. But this time will be much different, and I can hardly wait until it begins.

  7. Life is more interesting in poetry:

    Consciousness notrequired here
    For my city midnights
    Wind of their own accord
    From everywhere
    To everywhere
    They are okay
    We are all one after all
    One with windymidnight city
    City seas Berlin
    Such Berlin
    Jelly flavors electric eel
    Lightningrod for that stormsea
    Quilt only reality cloth character
    My city must lightcolorsong
    Light experiences me
    Pinch to forget to remember to forget that it will end
    Remind of color anew
    Midnight, play a play
    The laugh jump harmony twine
    What if i ate you
    Would you happily eat me too
    Sometimes that is all it takes

  8. As the trip gets progressively closer, I'm getting progressively more nervous. It's not my first time leaving the USA (I went to Honduras and Mexico in the Spring of 2012), but it is the first time I've gone across the Atlantic and my first time on an international flight. It doesn't help that I found out today I will have a test the day we get back. I was totally packed by Wednesday night, and I'm afraid I either over or under packed. I am incredibly excited at the same time, though, because I've always been interested in Germany, and I will be the first member of the Poff family to go there since we emigrated from Bavaria to the USA in the late 19th-century.

  9. I'm not really looking forward to the long day in store tomorrow. I can't say I enjoy long flights and long waits in the airports. I grabbed a lot of my stuff I had in Cookeville and brought it back home where I'll begin packing sometime later today. I'm not confident in my German, but I'm not too worried about it. I've taken a subway a few times when in Atlanta, so I'm not to worried about that either. Overall, I'm looking forward to Germany.



